Protect Bowling Green Team
Protect Bowling Green Team Horizontal hydraulic fracturing is the only industry in the US that is exempt from provisions in important environmental regulations such as the Clean Air Act and Safe Drinking Water Act (Halliburton Loophole). Even local protections have been removed (Niehaus law). Public health, public and private water supplies, and clean air are all under threat as a result. Acceleration of global warming is a certainty as a direct outcome of fracking. The community-based rights charter amendment bans unsustainable energy projects involving fracking and the disposal of its toxic and radioactive waste while expressing in a local law Bowling Green residents' rights to a sustainable energy future and their right to local self-governance. The Bowling Green Charter Amendment elevates local citizens' rights over non-local corporate rights.
Protect Bowling Green Team: Below are articles written by Protect Bowling Green Team .