Trout Unlimited - Washington Water Project
Trout Unlimited - Washington Water Project Szilvia Rideg is the Project Associate for the Washington Water Project. Aaron Penvose is the Project Manager for the Trout Unlimited Washington Water Project: Aaron has worked on Pacific Northwest fisheries issues for the last 10 years in the public and private sectors, with experience ranging from field work in wilderness areas to project management and consulting. For TU he works with landowners, water right holders and agencies across the Upper Columbia Region, in North Central Washington to promote water conservation and improved instream flow. Aaron has a B.S. degree in geology from the University of Montana and serves on the board of the Upper Columbia Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group. Aaron spends his spare time fishing and hunting, with his spaniel. Contact information: apenvose@tu.org. The Washington Water Project of Trout Unlimited (TU-WWP) is dedicated to restoring and enhancing Washington’s rivers and streams to benefit agriculture, fisheries, water quality, and other values, through a common sense, community-based approach. Our work supports healthy ecosystems that can sustain both human and environmental needs well into the future, for the benefit of all of Washington’s citizens.
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