Public News Service

Public News Service    To support democracy and promote public dialogue in a rapidly changing media environment, Public News Service (PNS) is a member-supported news service that advocates journalism in the public interest. PNS's network of state-based news services distribute high quality public interest news and information to both mainstream and alternative media on a daily basis. Support comes from non-profit organizations, foundations, individuals and businesses for social responsibility. Our stories examine the effects of policy on areas that receive too little coverage, lifting up often marginalized voices and making greater journalistic breadth available to broadcasters and publishers on any platform. On a day-to-day basis we link with hundreds of grassroots organizations who keep us informed on a cross-cutting range of social justice, environmental and economic issues. Currently, tens of thousands of media outlets receive our content and more than 8,000 nationally are regularly using our stories, reaching a combined national weekly audience of 24 million. Media outlets across the map use Public News Service stories-from conservative news/talk to public, community, ethnic and religious outlets, on air, in print and on their online sites. Our television stories in Idaho are used consistently across the state. Spanish production is expanding across the country and our collaboration with Mainstream Media Project has excellent results. Scores of additional Spanish talk show interviews on related issues are booked across the country. 2011 development plans for expansion include Alaska, New Jersey, Maine, Texas and Vermont. In addition, we'll be producing complete news segments for other networks. Currently, we manage independent news services in 36 states. - See more at:

Public News Service: Below are articles written by Public News Service .