Editor’s Introduction: September 2013
by: Read The Dirt Posted on: September 08, 2013
Welcome to our September 2013 Editor’s Introduction—published on the 8th of every month.
When bacteria are surrounded by their own kind—when they know they’re not alone—they begin to act collectively. Join us as we produce information to remind readers that engaged citizens surround them.
In other news: Readthedirt.org was maliciously hacked on August 22, 2013. We have since been moved to a more secure server.
Coming Soon (Book): Read the Dirt: Best of the Early Years, A Sign of Things to Come—Read the Dirt Press 2013. Email info@readthedirt.org to secure a first edition copy.
In this edition we are featuring content on:
- The Homeless Bill of Rights Movement
- Recent developments in Spokane, where two citizen-led Bill of Rights initiatives were tactically removed from November, 2013’s ballot
- The towns and counties in Colorado that are passing laws in opposition to the industrial gas extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing
- The arguments for and against labeling genetically modified foods in Washington State
- Farm worker strikes in Washington State, and their systemic causes
- How local politics react to proposed industrial slaughterhouses
- Why Nottingham, NH should implement its Rights Based Ordinance to protect its groundwater resources from corporate privatization
- The City of Bowling Green, OH’s Community Bill of Rights
The Articles:
Homeless Bills of Rights—New Narratives: Continuing our coverage of rights-based movements and narratives. Simon Davis-Cohen speaks with Paul Boden about Homeless Bills of Rights. Paul Boden is Western Regional Advocacy Project ‘s Organizing Director. He became homeless at the age of 16 after the death of his mother. Paul served as Executive Director of San Francisco’s Coalition on Homelessness for 16 years and was a founder of the Community Housing Partnership, a nationally recognized permanent housing corporation with optional supportive services. He has received dozens of community awards during the last twenty-five years and recognition from the city and county of San Francisco, the State of California, and the Congress of the United States. Paul regularly writes articles and op-eds and travels throughout the country giving talks and trainings.
Colorado Anti-fracking Movement Heating Up!: A run down of the towns and counties in Colorado that are passing laws in opposition to the industrial gas extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing.
A Brief Chat on Workers’ Rights: Sakuma Farms Inc. farmworkers have been striking and fighting for more humane wages, living quarters and working conditions. A local community-based organization, Community to Community, has supported the workers. This is a conversation with Edgar Franks, Community to Community’s Coordinator for the Formación Cívica (Civic Engagement) Project.
Why Label Genetically Modified Food?: We spoke with Elizabeth Larter, the official spokesperson for the Yes on Washington State Initiative 522 campaign. If passed in November 2013, I-522 will require genetically modified foods in Washington State to be labeled.
Why Not Label Genetically Modified Food?: We were privileged to ask the campaign opposing Washington State’s Initiative 522 a few questions. If passed in November 2013, I-522 will require genetically modified foods in Washington State to be labeled. Read below to familiarize yourself with the language and stories used in defense of genetically modified organisms.
Local Initiative Process Gutted: A Judge Decides That the Spokane’s Community Bill of Rights is Outside the Authority of Citizen Initiative.
When Industrial Slaughterhouses Are Proposed: The industrialization and corporatization of slaughterhouses has spread to many regions of the nation. Whatcom County, WA offers a case study look at how local politics respond.
Bowling Green, OH Group Submits Bill of Rights Petition
Glimmers of Empathy in the Shadows of History: Philip Damon’s fifth ‘Sacred Democracy’ column.
Reprints: (We were given explicit permission to reprint the below articles.)
Judgment Day: By Heidi Groover, via The Pacific Northwest Inlander
Judge Blocks Envision, SMAC Initiatives from Appearing on Ballot: By Heidi Groover, via The Pacific Northwest Inlander
Why a Rights Based Ordinance In Nottingham, NH?: By Chris Mills, via Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
Thank you for participating.

Articles On Featured Originals
Featured Originals:
- Sep 26 Education Sneak Peek
- Jul 21 Check It Out!
- Jun 5 US Climate Movement: Funnel Money Downward if You Want to Survive
- May 19 Part 2: Jordan Cove LNG Backers Spend Huge Money to Sway Tiny Oregon County Election
- May 2 Part 1: Oregon County Faces Gas Industry Funding, Lobbyists in Battle to Halt Jordan Cove LNG Project
- Mar 10 Get To Know The BATS: Teachers Fighting Privatization
- Mar 6 Re-Imagining Local Public Space, From Parks to Post Offices
- Jan 12 For Teachers and Citizens: How to Respond to Federal Immigration Raids
- Jan 5 How To Respond When Your (Local) Government Gets Sued By A Corporation
- May 25 Interview: The Working Class Movement Fighting for Local Authority
- Apr 29 Interview: Challenging Corporations’ ‘Right’ To Grow GMOs in Rural Oregon
- Dec 8 Editor’s Introduction: December 2013
- Nov 8 Editor’s Introduction: November 2013
- Oct 8 Editor’s Introduction: October 2013
- Sep 8 Editor’s Introduction: September 2013
- Aug 8 Editor’s Introduction: August 2013
- Jul 8 Editor’s Introduction: July 2013
- Jun 8 Editor’s Introduction: June 2013
- Jun 8 Housing Justice: Fighting for Rights
- Jun 6 GM Wheat Discovered in Oregon, Benton County Continues Work on Food Bill of Rights
- May 8 Editor’s Introduction: May 2013
- May 8 Does Food Sovereignty Exist in the United States? Food and the Community Rights Movement
- May 8 Washington Community Action Network Talks Rights
- Apr 8 Editor’s Introduction: April 2013