Education Sneak Peek

Read the Dirt’s latest project is its Ear to the Ground newsletter. The newsletter is a civic intelligence service. We read local [read more …]

Check It Out!

Read the Dirt is launching an affordable, exclusive newsletter that takes the model of a corporate intelligence service, and wields it for [read more …]

US Climate Movement: Funnel Money Downward if You Want to Survive

This Read the Dirt production was published by Earth Island Journal. Since the election of Donald Trump, many people who have not [read more …]

Part 2: Jordan Cove LNG Backers Spend Huge Money to Sway Tiny Oregon County Election

This Read the Dirt production was published by DeSmogBlog Two weeks ahead of an Oregon county special election, backers of the multi-billion [read more …]

Part 1: Oregon County Faces Gas Industry Funding, Lobbyists in Battle to Halt Jordan Cove LNG Project

This Read the Dirt production was published by DeSmogBlog and Truthout. Scattered throughout Coos County, situated on Oregon’s southern coast, are signs [read more …]

Get To Know The BATS: Teachers Fighting Privatization

This Read the Dirt production was published by Popular Resistance. Chris Christie once told a Badass Teacher that he was “sick”of people [read more …]

Re-Imagining Local Public Space, From Parks to Post Offices

This Read the Dirt production was published by The Leap. As austerity and privatization spread around the globe, there has never been [read more …]

For Teachers and Citizens: How to Respond to Federal Immigration Raids

Editor’s Note: TeachDream is a “group of educators and counselors working in New York City Public Schools, as part of an Inquiry [read more …]

How To Respond When Your (Local) Government Gets Sued By A Corporation

Editor’s Note: This piece, by Tish O’Dell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and Ohio Community Rights Network, was written [read more …]

Interview: The Working Class Movement Fighting for Local Authority

Editor’s Note: Make the Road New York is a membership-based grassroots immigrant organization that leads and supports local lawmaking efforts, including recent [read more …]

Interview: Challenging Corporations’ ‘Right’ To Grow GMOs in Rural Oregon

Editor’s Note: Oregonians for Community Rights has filed paperwork to begin petitioning for a “Right to Local, Community Self-Government” state constitutional amendment [read more …]

Cancer Clusters Spark Historic Pesticide Vote in Oregon

Editor’s Note: Pesticide-induced cancer clusters have driven one Oregon county to propose a never-before-seen initiative. This November, residents of Josephine County, OR [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: December 2013

Read the Dirt has some exciting if not momentarily sad news to announce: We are going on sabbatical. Simon Davis-Cohen, our co-founder [read more …]

Occupy’s Not So Invisible Work

Editor’s Note: What do Naomi Klein, Occupy Sandy and the mathematics of predicting the future have in common? Originally published by Reader Supported [read more …]

The Devil In The Details of Local Law

Editor’s Note: A background story of a region fighting corporate industrial wind farming in New Hampshire. We learn about conditions that bring [read more …]

Bottled Water Facility Stopped, Local Government Replaced

Editor’s Note: Citizens in Anacortes stopped what would have been North America’s largest bottled water facility. The locals engaged to vote out [read more …]

Don’t Tread On Us-A Message from Colorado

Editor’s Introduction: Colorado Springs, CO residents are in court, fighting for the right to vote on a Community Bill of Rights that [read more …]

Making Sense of Recent Legal History

Editor’s Note: Did you know that our Supreme Court ruled—seventeen years ago—that corporations’ right to negative speech trumps citizens’/consumers’ right to know [read more …]

Where Push Is Coming To Shove, USA

East Boulder County United statement on Colorado Oil and Gas Association’s lawsuit against Lafayette’s Community Rights initiative   By Cliff Willmeng and [read more …]

Getting Specific About What We Want

Editor’s Note: Rex Burkholder tells an American tale—incorporating his lessons learned as an urban planner into a broader discussion on how American [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: November 2013

Welcome to our November 2013 Editor’s Introduction—published on the 8th of every month. Join us in continuing the conversation. Send op-eds and [read more …]

The First Big Win for the $15 Movement

Editor’s Note: The first big win for the $15 movement has happened before many thought it was possible. We speak with Sage [read more …]

A Legal Definition for ‘Unsustainable Energy’?

Grafton Community Bill of Rights Ordinance Succeeds in Keeping Industrial Wind Out Editor’s Note: A small town in New Hampshire has banned [read more …]

Politicizing a Social Worker

Editor’s Note: How does ‘neoliberalism’ and the concept of government ‘neutrality’ relate to initiatives like Washington’s recent I-522? A social worker in training [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: October 2013

Welcome to our October 2013 Editor’s Introduction—published on the 8th of every month. Join us in continuing the conversation. Send op-eds and [read more …]

When The State Pushes Back

Editor’s Note: We speak with Kai Huschke, the NW and Hawaii Organizer for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund—working to pass Community [read more …]

The People Know Best, Should We Listen?

Editor’s Note: Willmeng, actively working to pass a Lafayette, CO Community Rights Act to prohibit all new oil and gas extraction, asks [read more …]

This Crow Won’t Fly

Editor’s Note: Continuing our coverage of the Homeless Rights Movement. See here for an introduction to the movement by one of its [read more …]

Sacred Democracy-Democracy: a Work in Progress

Editor’s Note: In Philip Damon’s sixth Sacred Democracy column he provides an antidote to the mainstream media’s high-frequency buzz. For links to [read more …]

A New County Constitution

Editor’s Note: On Nov.5 citizens of Jefferson County, WA will vote on if they want to “charter” their county. To charter is [read more …]

Dispatches from Denmark-Ærø

Editor’s Note: Sarah Vaira, a former EarthFix intern, is studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark–a world leader in clean energy and environmental planning. [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: September 2013

Welcome to our September 2013 Editor’s Introduction—published on the 8th of every month. When bacteria are surrounded by their own kind—when they [read more …]

Homeless Bills of Rights-New Narratives

Editor’s Note: Continuing our coverage of rights-based movements and narratives. Simon Davis-Cohen speaks with Paul Boden about Homeless Bills of Rights. Paul [read more …]

Colorado Anti-fracking Movement Heating Up!

Editor’s Note: A run down of the towns and counties in Colorado that are passing laws in opposition to the industrial gas [read more …]

Why Label Genetically Modified Food?

Editor’s Note: We spoke with Elizabeth Larter, the official spokesperson for the Yes on Washington State Initiative 522 campaign. If passed in [read more …]

Why Not Label Genetically Modified Food?

Editor’s Note: We were privileged to ask the campaign opposing Washington State’s Initiative 522 a few questions. If passed in November 2013, [read more …]

A Brief Chat about Workers’ Rights

Editor’s Note: Sakuma Farms Inc. farmworkers have been striking and fighting for more humane wages, living quarters and working conditions. A local [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: August 2013

Welcome to our August 2013 Editor’s Introduction—published on the 8th of every month. Join us as we work to provide tactical information. [read more …]

Native Resilience and Interethnic Cooperation: How Natives are adapting to climate change, and helping their non-Native neighbors follow suit

Editor’s Note: Natives are used to challenges—colonization offers an example. Natives’ historic resiliency and local traditional knowledge, along with their political sovereignty, [read more …]

Obstacles to Asserting Rights

Editor’s Note: When citizens get together to elevate their rights above corporations’—there is a backlash. What this backlash looks like can be [read more …]

USA Refuses to Ban Atrazine

Editor’s Note: Atrazine is used in many herbicides in the USA. It is a known endocrine disruptor that reduces testosterone production and [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: July 2013

Welcome to our July 2013 Editor’s Introduction-published on the 8th of every month. This month we are featuring: an extensive (multi-article) look [read more …]

Spokane Continues to Fight for the Right to Vote

Editor’s Note: Read the Dirt staff writer Alex Valentine provides context to Spokane, Washington’s current work to pass a Community Bill of [read more …]

Foster Youth Bill of Rights, New Narratives

Editor’s Note: Continuing our coverage of rights-based narratives. Foster youth in Oregon are working to explicitly recognize rights of theirs that are [read more …]

Santa Monica Passes West Coast’s First Rights of Nature Ordinance

Editor’s Note: Santa Monica recently passed an ordinance that elevates its right to enforce its Sustainable City Plan, rights to clean air, [read more …]

Speaking With a ‘Fractivist’: Data Acquisition to Federal Exemptions

Editor’s Note: A written conversation between Read the Dirt editor Simon Davis-Cohen and Shane Davis. Davis has pioneered “a method of data [read more …]

Water Quality, Who Should Decide?

Editor’s Note: A written conversation between Read the Dirt editor Simon Davis-Cohen and John Osborn MD, Board President, Center for Environmental Law [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: June 2013

Welcome to our June 2013 Editor’s Introduction-published on the 8th of every month. Here you will find summaries of eight new Read [read more …]

Housing Justice: Fighting for Rights

Editor’s Note: As banks continue to foreclose our homes a new narrative about housing—one focused on rights—begins to emerge. Kari of We [read more …]

(Audio): Read the Dirt’s Coverage of the 2013 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference

Editor’s Note: Read the Dirt was in attendance at this spring’s Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene, Oregon. We recorded three [read more …]

A Conversation about School Lunches, a Student and a Farmer

Editor’s Note: In a letter Anabel Magee, 9, expresses her frustration about the state of her school lunches. Clayton Burrows of Growing [read more …]

County Government Writes History, Hydrocarbon Ban is First of its Kind

Editor’s Note: Read the Dirt intern Alex Valentine reports on Mora County, New Mexico—the first county in the nation to ban oil [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: May 2013

Welcome to our May 2013 Editor’s Introduction-published on the 8th of every month. Scroll down for this month’s articles and correspondence.   [read more …]

Does Food Sovereignty Exist in the United States? Food and the Community Rights Movement

Editor’s Note: Trisha Mandes speaks to the deficiencies of U.S. food activism and proposes an adaptive way forward. Trisha has worked with [read more …]

Washington Community Action Network Talks Rights

Editor’s Note: Rachael DeCruz of Washington Community Action Network and the Seattle-King County NAACP speaks to the conflict between people’s right to [read more …]

Transforming Faith

Editor’s Note: What is the role of faith within social and environmental movements? How do people with different beliefs work toward common [read more …]

Editor’s Introduction: April 2013

Welcome to our first Monthly Editor’s Introduction—published on the 8th of every month. This here should help you navigate our publication. Below [read more …]

Under the Radar: How a Multinational Corporation Quietly Bought a County-Wide Election

Editor’s Note: Citizens in Thurston County, WA put an initiative on the ballot to make its electricity publically owned. Puget Sound Energy [read more …]

Big or Small: Who Will Grow Washington’s Cannabis Crop?

Editor’s Note: Washington State recently legalized cannabis. We hear from a man who urges us to recognize this opportunity to create a [read more …]

Read the Dirt: Changes on the Way

Changes are on the horizon for Read the Dirt and its website We are revamping the website while simultaneously becoming a [read more …]

Crude Oil Trains Proposed for Grays Harbor, WA: Citizens Challenge Permitting Process

Editor’s Note: Proposals to bring crude oil terminals to Grays Harbor are making local citizens ask questions. What rights do communities have [read more …]

Middle School Elevates its Rights above Corporations’

Editor’s Note: We were invited to Sunnyside Environmental School of Southeast Portland, OR to speak to middle schoolers about citizen law making. [read more …]

What a Difference a Degree Makes

Editor’s Note: Learn about the latest with regard to coal exportation in British Columbia, Canada, and why the surrounding region is up [read more …]

The Story of Broadview Heights, Ohio

Editor’s Note: Broadview Heights, OH has introduced the novel community rights to pure water, clean air, peaceful enjoyment of home, a sustainable [read more …]

Park Rangers to the Rescue

Editor’s Note: A sneak peak at a thrilling novel set in Yellowstone that cannot escape the reality of our underfunded National Park [read more …]

Democracy Denied in Small Town, USA

Photo: Daniel Schwen, Wikimedia Commons Editor’s Note: Read the story of the inner workings of Mt. Shasta, California’s effort to pass a [read more …]

Washington’s Renewables: An Introduction

Photo: NW Energy Coalition Editor’s Note: The status of Washington State’s efforts to transition to renewable energy. Written by Marc Krasnowsky, Communications [read more …]

The View from Plymouth, NH

Photo: Pete Martin, Plymouth, NH This article is by Pete Martin, a citizen of Plymouth, NH and retired Delta Airlines crew member, [read more …]

Benton County’s Fight to Protect Our Seed Heritage: A Food Bill of Rights

Photo: Bruce Bittle By Clinton Lindsey, a 5th-generation farmer and local food advocate from Corvallis, Oregon. He currently works for Greenwillow Grains, [read more …]

Where in the World is Read the Dirt?

Photo: The Colosseum in Rome, Wikimedia Commons   Much has been said about what to do “when in Rome”. Saint Ambrose of [read more …]

Fighting for the Right to a Sustainable Food System: Benton County, Oregon

Photo: Philomath Barn, Benton County, Oregon, Wikimedia Commons By Dana Allen Editor’s Note: The Benton County Community Rights Coalition is working to [read more …]

The Balancing Act: Exploring Water in the Skagit Basin

Photo: US Forest Service via Wikimedia Commons By Catherine Phelps, Intern, Center for Environmental Law and Policy Editor’s Note: If water is [read more …]

Notice: Official Communication

Read the Dirt needs dollars to provide a valuable public service. We want to provide for you a place to learn about [read more …]

Rivers and Natural Ecosystems as Rights Bearing Subjects

Photo: Ron Mertons, Whanguanui River Editor’s Note: Should nature be integrated into our social contracts? Should we be empowered to dissent on [read more …]

Case Study: The Community Right to Sustainable Energy

Photo: Wikimedia Commons, High Voltage Direct Current transmission lines. Editor’s Note: Are we capable of learning from the successes and failures of [read more …]

Barnstead, NH: Establishing the Community Right to Water and Self-Governance

Photo: Channing Johnson, originally taken for Yes! Magazine. Pictured (from left to right): Gordon Preston, Gail Darrell, Jack O’Neil. Editor’s Note: We [read more …]

New Section: Community Rights

Introducing Read the Dirt’s coverage of the American Community Rights Movement. When we first launched Read the Dirt, we envisioned an online [read more …]

Species Banks

Photo: Great Blue Heron in flight over wetland home in Oregon. Steve Hillebrand, courtesy of USFWS. Editor’s Note: This piece is written [read more …]

Rapid Evolution and Adaptation to Climate Change: Salmon

Photo: Kiva Stevens, Nooksack River Editor’s Note: Are species beginning to evolve in response to climate change? Kiva Stevens is a Junior [read more …]

Our Slaves

Photo: Book: THE ENERGY OF SLAVES Oil and the New Servitude, by Andrew Nikiforuk Andrew Nikiforuk is the author of THE ENERGY [read more …]

Meditations on our Future

Photo: Simon Davis-Cohen By Robert McClure, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Investigate West   Editor’s Note: This is a questionnaire with Robert McClure, [read more …]

Book: Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence

A Vision of Oil-Free Schools By Daniel Goleman (author of Emotional Intelligence) and Lisa Bennett and Zenobia Barlow of the Center for [read more …]

Historical Climate Trends in WA and Future Change

By The Office of the WA State Climatologist (OWSC) Editor’s Note: Below you’ll find a resource for understanding climate change science and [read more …]

On Kids and Food

By Laura Plaut, Founder and Director of Common Threads Farm, a nonprofit on a mission to connect young people with healthy food [read more …]

Equity, Environmental Justice, and Industrial Pollution in Portland

Photo: Eline Leemans By Andrew Riley and Eline Leemans, Center for Intercultural Organizing, Portland, OR Editor’s Note: If we want to understand [read more …]

Cities advising Counties?

Editor’s Note: Cynthia Pruitt is the Coordinator of Snohomish County Tomorrow. Read on to learn about the power dynamics at play between [read more …]

Empowered Latino Farmers (Spanish & English Translations Included)

Photo: Clayton Burrows Editor’s Note: Eden Lopez is a farmer on Growing Washington’s Alm Hill Gardens in Everson, WA. Born in Michoacan, [read more …]

Changing ‘Fundemental Law’, a Case Study: Bellingham

Photo: Simon Davis-Cohen Context: This is a discussion with Breean Beggs. Breean Beggs, attorney at law, represents No-Coal Bellingham and the petitioners [read more …]

Whatcom Farm-to-School: Tackling Food System Challenges One Lunch at a Time

Photo: David Westerlund By Mardi Solomon & Holly O’Neil, Coordinators, Whatcom Farm-to School Support Team Editor’s Note: Eating healthy foods should not [read more …]

Talking with Washington State Legislators-Stanford

Editor’s Note: We asked our state legislators a lot of questions, below is what we could extract from Representative Derek Stanford. Stanford [read more …]

Orca Tribes of the Salish Sea and Beyond

Photo: Howard Garrett By Howard Garrett, author and co-founder of Orca Network Editor’s Note: The oceans of the Pacific Northwest are home [read more …]

Talking with Washington State Legislators-Pollet

Editor’s Note: We asked our state legislators a lot of questions, below are Representative Gerry Pollet’s answers to two of them. Name: [read more …]

Help! I’m being Climate Changed!

Photo: Maureen Ryan, Fairhaven College, Climate Adaptation Class, Spring 2012 Editor’s Note: David Trapp [second to the right] is a student at [read more …]

Sludge, Whose Jurisdiction? (Part 2)

Photo: Sustainable Sanitation, Flickr Editor’s Note: Last year Wahkiakum County passed an ordinance to regulate the spreading of sludge/biosolids on agricultural land. [read more …]

It’s About More Than Business

Photo: Lauren Owens Editor’s Note: Lauren Owens, a student at Fairhaven College and aspiring visual journalist, tells us a story about a [read more …]

Sludge, Whose Jurisdiction? (Part 1)

Photo: Sustainable Sanitation, Flickr Editor’s Note: Last year Wahkiakum County passed an ordinance to regulate the spreading of sludge/biosolids on agricultural land. [read more …]

A Case to Protect Public Land

Photo: Clearcuts in the Green River Watershed, Del Sonneson By Janine Blaeloch, Director, Western Lands Project Editor’s Note: Learn about the law [read more …]

Questionnaire for the authors of: THE GOLDILOCKS PLANET The 4 Billion Year Story of Earth’s Climate-Oxford University Press

Editor’s Note: The new book The Goldilocks Planet, published by Oxford University Press, details Earth’s climate history. Below are the responses to [read more …]

Rethinking the Peasant

Photo: Andrew Rodman By Andrew Rodman, Editor, In Good Tilth magazine, a bi-monthly publication from Oregon Tilth Editor’s Note: Are we seeing [read more …]

Water in the West: Diverse Tools for Conserving our Rivers and Communities

Photo: Trout Unlimited – Washington Water Project By: Szilvia Rideg, Project Associate, Trout Unlimited – Washington Water Project Nobody likes to see a [read more …]

The Beginning of Regional Food Governance?

Photo: “Fawn Peak Complex Fire, Washington”, NASA Visible Earth Collection By Alon Bassok, Senior Planner, and Olivia Robinson, Regional Affairs Coordinator, Puget [read more …]

Can City Planning Make Us Cooler, Healthier and Friendlier?

Photo: U.S. Geological Survey: 1897 Map of Portland, OR By Rex Burkholder, Councilor, Metro regional government, Portland, Oregon Editor’s Note: We are [read more …]

The Results-2012

Editor’s Note: The submissions are in and the judges have spoken. Below are the results of our 1st Annual Read the Dirt [read more …]

The Secret Life of Plastic

Photo: NOAA Photo Library Editor’s Note: Written by the inspired Young Writer Amanda Clausen, this piece provides an observant look at how [read more …]

Liquefied Natural Gas Exports? (Part 2)

Photo: Western Environmental Law Center By Susan Jane M. Brown, Staff Attorney,Western Environmental Law Center Editor’s Note: We publish this article knowing [read more …]

Urban and Suburban Agriculture Empowers Environmental Stewards

Photo: Seattle Tilth By Andrea Dwyer, Executive Director of Seattle Tilth Editor’s Note: An idea worth replicating. Read below to see how [read more …]

Managing Many Waters the Walla Walla Way

Photo: Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership By Cathy Schaeffer, Executive Director, Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership Editor’s Note: An invaluable perspective on [read more …]

A Letter from the Editors

Welcome to our most recent “Letter from the Editors”, thanks for reading. We have got a lot to say, we’ll try to [read more …]

Northwest Soil Science: Nitrogen Mineralization

Photo: Simon Davis-Cohen By Doug Collins, WSU Extension, Statewide Small Farms Educator Editor’s Note: Get a Soil Science lesson from a man [read more …]

Why Coal?

Photo: Simon Davis-Cohen By Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) and director of WELC’s west-wide climate and energy [read more …]

The Tongass: The National Salmon Forest

By Andrianna Natsoulas, Communications Consultant, Sitka Conservation Society Editor’s Note: Welcoming our first article from Alaska! The Tongass Forest is the largest [read more …]

Foreign Interests, Local Uranium

Image: The Uranium Information Center By Larry Tuttle, Founder, Center for Environmental Equity Editor’s Note: What power do American citizens have to [read more …]

Liquefied Natural Gas Exports? (Part 1)

Photo: Western Environmental Law Center By Susan Jane M. Brown, Staff Attorney,Western Environmental Law Center Editor’s Note: Susan Jane, a staff attorney [read more …]

Oregon is a Desert State

Photo: Greg Burke By Brent Fenty, Executive Director of the Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA) Editor’s Note: Take it from Brent, the [read more …]

The Right to Self-Govern

Photo: “Spokane Falls” by Tracy Hunter By Kai Huschke, Washington organizer for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund and Campaign Director for [read more …]

Making Clean Local Energy Accessible Now (Part 1)

Photo: Oregonians for Renewable Energy Policy By Judy Barnes, Co-Founder, Oregonians for Renewable Energy Policy (OREP) Editor’s Note: If local citizens produce [read more …]

The Clean Water Act – A Story of Activism and Change

Photo: Courtesy of Puget Soundkeeper Alliance By Chris Wilke, Executive Director of Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and Pacific Regional Representative to the Waterkeeper [read more …]

Our Right To Know

Photo: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons {PD-US} By David Seago, board member of the Washington Coalition for Open Government. He retired in 2008 [read more …]

Privatizing a Basic Human Right: Water

Photo: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons By Samuel Bliss Editor’s Note: One of our young and empowered voices—Samuel Bliss—gives us a run down [read more …]

A complicated situation: Lake Roosevelt and the Grand Coulee Dam

By Andy Dunau, Executive Director of the Lake Roosevelt Forum, President of Dunau Associates, Executive Director for the Spokane River Forum and [read more …]

Attention Readers of the Dirt!

Welcome Readers of The Dirt! You may noticed that our “Letters from the Editors” section has been somewhat dormant since we launched [read more …]

Bottle the Skagit River?

By Sandra Spargo, Defending Water in the Skagit River Basin, The Alliance for Democracy Editor’s Note: Sandra Spargo, a dedicated citizen, clues [read more …]

WA Conservation Districts: An Introduction

By Craig Nelson, Okanogan Conservation District Manager Editor’s Note: Those interested in the power structures concerning Washington’s natural resources should be acquainted [read more …]

Planning For A Future: Protecting The Ground

By Bob Emmons, President, LandWatch Lane County Editor’s Note: We are privileged to have Emmons guide us through some of the history [read more …]


Photo: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Read The Dirt along with countless other online publications, information networks, and outlets for human expression depend [read more …]

Recirculating Farms

Photo: Sahib’s Florida Aquaponic Farm, courtesy of Recirculating Farms Coalition By Shaylyn Berlew, Communications Intern, Recirculating Farms Coalition Editor’s Note: The Recirculating [read more …]

Oysters and Ocean Acidification

By Margaret Pilaro Barrette, Executive Director for the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association Editor’s Note: The Executive Director for the Pacific Coast [read more …]

Columbia Basin Water Development

By Vicky Scharlau, Executive Director, Columbia Basin Development League Editor’s Note: How America has chosen to control its water impacts our lives [read more …]

Talking About Our Nuclear Hazard

Editor’s Note: This video presentation was sent to us by our friends at Heart of America Northwest, our region’s leading nuclear watchdog [read more …]

Forest Protection-The Olympic Peninsula

By Peggy Bruton, Board of Directors, Olympic Forest Coalition Editor’s Note:  Where has the discussion of logging and forest protection gone? With [read more …]

Keeping Working Forests on the Landscape

By Cindy Mitchell, Senior Director for Public Affairs at the Washington Forest Protection Association and forest lands owner. Editor’s Note: This new [read more …]

One Step Back for Clean Water in the Boise River

By John Robison, Public Lands Director of Idaho Conservation League. Editor’s Note: The Boise River watershed is the source of drinking water [read more …]

If it Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Portland’s Water System

By Jeffrey Boly,  one of the founders of the Friends of the Reservoirs, Neighborhood Association Board President and Westside leader of the [read more …]

It’s a Wild Life – Can You Spare Some Passion?

By Tim Coleman, Director of the Kettle Range Conservation Group and Cofounder of the Wild Washington Campaign, among other things. Editor’s Note: [read more …]

Why make Mt. St. Helens a National Park?

By Sean Smith, Policy Director for the National Parks Conservation Association Editor’s Note: Increased funding for scientific research, protection from open pit [read more …]

The Story behind the Book, A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest

By William deBuys, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, 2008 Pushcart Prize recipient, founding chairman of the Valles Caldera Trust (2001-2004), which manages the [read more …]

Protecting Our Region From Hanford’s Spreading of Contamination and From Being Used (Again) as a National Radioactive Waste Dump

By Gerry Pollet, JD.  Gerry Pollet is Executive Director of Heart of America Northwest, a 16,000 member citizens’ group which is widely [read more …]

Leave It to the Beaver!

By Kat Hall (The Lands Council’s Conservation Programs Director) and Amanda Parrish (The Beaver Solution Contact) Editor’s Note: Want to know how [read more …]

West Hylebos Wetlands: A Place Worth Preserving

By Steve Dubiel (EarthCorps Executive Director) and Blair Edwards (EarthCorps Intern)   All too often, we look to wilderness to find nature [read more …]

Liquified Natural Gas on the Columbia River Reignites Fossil Fuel Battle

By Dan Serres, a born-and-raised Oregonian.  As the Conservation Director for Columbia Riverkeeper, Dan has worked to protect Oregon and Washington farms, [read more …]

New Gold Rush Threatens the West

By Gary Macfarlane, a native of the interior West. He graduated from Utah State University’s College of Natural Resources about 30 years [read more …]

A New Trend in Dam Removal?

By Amy Kober, Senior Communications Director for American Rivers. Editor’s Note: This article by Amy Kober of American Rivers on the upcoming [read more …]

There’s a New Bug in Town

Photo: Bev Gerdeman By Don McMoran, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, WSU Skagit County Extension Editor’s Note:  This article from Don [read more …]

12,000 Rain Gardens

By Stacey Gianas and David Burger Editor’s Note: In this world we are often confronted with the challenge of how to make [read more …]

Investing in Seed Banks

Photo: The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: Nigeria Editor’s Note: Written by a talented young writer, this article concerning Seed Banks and [read more …]

McKibben Comments on Expansion of Coal Exports at Cherry Point (Whatcom County)

Editor’s Note: This article, written exclusively for Read The Dirt, concerns the proposed expansion of the deepwater terminal at Cherry Point north [read more …]

America’s Antiquated Mining Policy

Photo: Miners operate a hydraulic sluice in San Francisquito Canyon, Los Angeles County, California between 1890 and 1900 (Wikimedia Commons). Editor’s note: [read more …]


By Matthew Moroney Editor’s note: This piece, like our other article Turning Pollution into Energy, focuses on the benefits of anaerobic digesters. [read more …]

Drinking Water in Bellingham and much of Whatcom County

An introduction to Lake Whatcom By April J. Markiewicz, Associate Director/Toxicologist II, Institute of Environmental Toxicology at Huxley College of the Environment, [read more …]

No Fisherman Deserves a Toxic River

Editor’s Note: This piece appears in our “Dirt” section because the current unhealthy condition of the Duwamish River has been and continues [read more …]

A History Lesson Concerning Fauna

Editor’s note: This striking photo of Theodore Roosevelt has been brought to us courtesy of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The [read more …]

Thurston County Hydrologic Cycle

Editor’s Note: The graph above documents the highest rainfall event for the given years at the Olympia, WA airport. By Nadine Romero, [read more …]

Water Wealth

By Rick Glenn The 20th century was an era of tremendous economic growth in the United States.  Horses were replaced by automobiles, [read more …]

Columbia Gorge Air Quality

By Ian Coleman Editor’s note: Currently attending Fairhaven College and Western Washington University, Ian is an aspiring journalist.  Published in a variety [read more …]

Protecting Dirt, Among Other Things

By Connie Clement, Outreach Coordinator of Whatcom Land Trust 27 years ago, Whatcom County farmers were concerned about agricultural land being converted [read more …]

Turning Pollution Into Energy

Qualco Energy in Monroe Washington is operating an anaerobic digester with lofty goals.  It is taking animal waste, trap grease and other [read more …]

Why Conserve Water in the Pacific Northwest?

By Janet Nazy, Executive Director, Partnership for Water Conservation We live in the rainy Pacific Northwest. Water is plentiful so why conserve [read more …]

Election 2010: Talk with a WA State Supreme Court Candidate (Wiggins)

Editor’s note:  As we all know, the 2010 election is just around the corner.  Below is a questionnaire for our Washington Supreme [read more …]

Articles On
